I’m a bit dissatisfied with the final product; there were some minor flaws that went unnoticed on the flesh colored, Sculpey Clay prototype that unfortunately shine through on each and every cast. So, I’ve decided to recast the model with a slight alteration to the original prototype.
Before I go about starting over, I’ve invested in a vacuum/pressure chamber in order to allow successful casting of clear/transparent compounds-that’s what I’ve been working with, with little to no luck of producing what could be considered an acceptable product. It’s not easy getting a bubble-free cast when working with clear plastics. I tried to apply just about every possible solution to the problem. I eventually decided I’d settle for a virtually bubble-free surface at the very least. A select few made it out of the mold, at least 1/3 of the models I produced, with significantly less bubbles than the rest. Though it completely defeated the purpose of the compound I was using, I figured I could still give the models a full paint job with a little extra care. I managed to fill any bubbles on the surface using a combination of Testors Contour Putty and Creative Paperclay. Though tedious, I was willing to go the extra mile so that the material wouldn’t go to waste-I had already purchased a large supplement of the clear stuff, a bad move on my part. A word of advice… always purchase these products in small supplements, do some testing and see what works best for you. In my case, living in central Texas where it’s relatively humid, a slow setting clear/transparent compound probably wasn’t my best bet without the aid of a pressure chamber.
Once all the equipment arrives, hopefully I’ll be able to put the remaining supply to good use. I’m excited and nervous at the same time. This whole process has been a stressful learning experience with bouts of relief in between. I look forward to the future and hope for a successful turnout.
The first official release will still consist of a limited edition of 5pcs, along with three one-off models similar to those viewed previously.
A big thanks goes out to Camille Young for sharing her ideas and experiences with me-I probably wouldn’t have gotten this far without her help. I’d also like to thank Jon Knox of Hello, Brute, and Sean of MONSTREHERO for additional help and advice regarding the toy production process.
Stay tuned for more updates!